Hayden Blest

Discover Hayden Blest, your trusted source for premium flower delivery in Hong Kong. Choose from a wide range of fresh, handpicked flowers delivered daily. Perfect for gifts, events, or office decorations.

Same Day Delivery

Fresh & Long-Lasting Flowers


Whether it’s a birthday, anniversary, or simply to brighten someone’s day, our bouquets are the perfect way to show you care.


Whether you’re looking for a decorative element or a unique gift, our boxes are designed to enhance your space and bring life to your environment.

Quality & Natural Flower Bouquets

Experience the art of flower delivery with HaydenBlest, a leading florist in Hong Kong. We are committed to providing only the freshest and most vibrant bouquets, perfect for any occasion. Whether you’re sending flowers to a loved one or decorating your office space, trust HaydenBlest to deliver.

Same day Delivery

Our delivery service covers Kowloon, Central District, Hong Kong Island, and New Territories, reaching even the most remote corners of the city. We understand the importance of timely delivery and strive to exceed your expectations every time.

Fresh, shiny,bright

Revitalize and Renew Your Flowers

Our Clients

Ready to place your order? Choose Hayden Blest for all your floral needs in Hong Kong. Whether it’s a small gesture or a grand event, we’re here to help you convey your emotions beautifully.